Should I have a bucket list?

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I used to think that a bucket list was ominous. You know, complete it and then, poof, you’re gone. So, I came up with something. I’ll make my bucket list, and I just won’t complete one item. Sounds like a good compromise to me. What do you think?

Here are a “FEW” things I have so far.

1 Become fluent in Spanish
2 Celebrate a 5 year anniversary with someone (write letters to my sister)
3 Conquer my fear of flying
4 Fill up all the notebooks I keep buying
5 Get a henna tattoo
6 Get first aid certified
7 Help someone tick off something on their bucket list
8 Play a Prince song on my guitar
9 Save $30k in 3 years
10 Watch all the movies that won an Oscar, since year 2000
11 Write a short story

I think this is reasonable. I wonder which one I “WON’T” do.

Anyway, tune in later for an update on how I’m doing.

See you later!

Hasta luego!


Tutaonana baadaye

à plus tard!



Letter writing for August 2017

I recently started writing letters to people. Some called me and were thoroughly surprised and felt honored that I would write to them. I plan to write a letter to friends and family each day for the entire month of August. Who’s with me?




What are some of your hobbies?

Running around day

Hey folks.

We usually take cabs back and forth on a daily basis. However, once a month, we generally rent a vehicle and do a bunch of errands at one time. Like go to Walmart, the pharmacy, bookstores, salvation army, Home Depo, nails done, to have meals and some other places.



Today is that day of the month. Our first stop will be to get lunch at I-Hop. Unfortunately, it is supposed to rain. Bummer. But for reasons, I won’t be putting it off for another day.

I have to get back in the swing of thing with blogging. I should be able to write a tab bit more than above.

That’s it for this post.

See you later!

Hasta luego!


Tutaonana baadaye

à plus tard!


Strumming my guitar.

I’ve been playing my acoustic guitar since July 1, 2017.  I love it! But’s it’s challenging. How come things can’t be simple. As far as the strings go, why can’t they be A,B,C,D,E,F. Instead of A,B,D,G and 2 E’s and skip over C?

Anyway, I’ve learned 5 chords – A, E, D, G, C.

I want my 1st song that I play for my friends over Facebook to be a Prince song – my favorite musical artist.



That’s it for this post.

See you later!

Hasta luego!


Tutaonana baadaye

à plus tard!

I’m back!

Hey everyone. After a 4 year absence, I’ve finally made it back to blogging.  I have so much to share, but I’ll just give a recap of why I’ve been gone so long. Hmmm. You know what, actually I don’t have a reason why I’ve been gone, just a bunch of excuses for not blogging. I guess excuses are my reasons. But that’s no excuse. Hmmmm. You see how this could go round and round in circles.

Let’s see. I’ve been out of work, on disability, due to seizures, since 2010. Since that time, I’ve written 2 books and was general editor on an anthology dealing with cancer stories. I have taken my two books down from retailers sites. One book, I actually threw out all evidence that it existed. I’m not comfortable that I had written on that type of subject matter. I don’t mind reading that type of genre, but writing it, and having family members seeing it, that’s another story.

Well, that’s just a tease. Tune in later for more on what I’ve been up to.




See you later!

Hasta luego!


Tutaonana baadaye

à plus tard!


Writers needed (you don’t have to be a professional, just serious about writing)


My partner and I are looking to publish a book on a variety of social issues, including but not limited to (see list below).  If you are interested, please contact us at:

  • Abortion
  • Affirmative Action
  • Alcoholism
  • Animal Rights
  • Anti-Muslim Discrimination and Violence
  • Birth Control
  • Children’s Rights
  • Church-State Separation
  • Civil Rights
  • Corporate Downsizing
  • Defense Spending and Preparedness
  • Drug Abuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Gender issues
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration
  • Judicial Reform
  • Media,Sex and Violence
  • Obesity
  • Prostitution
  • Racial profiling
  • Single Parenting
  • Terrorism
  • Unemployment
  • Violence




My first book…”Get Outta My Head”

“Get Outta My Head: My Life Living with Brain Cancer” was the first book that I authored to date.    With this book, it was a little scary because it was a new  experience for me, delving into the unknown.   Even though I had previously written 2 short articles, I never thought or believed I could write a book until a friend suggested it to me.  I thought it would be too much of an undertaking, but he pushed me and encouraged me until I had faith in myself that I could actually get it done.   This books tells the story of how in 2009 I was suddenly stricken with a seizure, then was diagnosed with a tumor, which was cancerous.  I had surgery, but a piece of the tumor is still in my brain.  I’ts now 2013, the tumor has not shrunk, but it not grown, so for now, it’s stable, requiring me to get less frequent MRI’s.  But since it’s still there, I likely won’t ever be in remission.  But, such is life.  It could be worse.

As far a writing my book, if I could do it over again, all I can say is that I would have written more to my story, I would have gone more in depth in certain areas, I could have been more passionate. I would have tried to contain my enthusiasm and paid closer attention to detail, but there is nothing that I would have removed.

I am currently in the process of co-editing a book with a colleague called “Hope Shining Through the Darkness of Cancer” which is a compilation of different authors who contributed their cancer stories to the overall book endeavor.  This book should be released in 2013.

Working with Blue Harvest Creative was a wonderful experience.   Not only are they the best for your buck, but they are very patient and helpful in assisting with guiding you through the process of getting your book published.  I originally had someone do an imprint for me which I initially thought looked good.  Then BHC did another imprint for me and I felt like I was in heaven…. it was so spectacular.  Then they created for me a cover that was perfect for my book concept, and the interior layout was beautiful. I was floored when I saw the final product.

For those who are looking to start their first book, I’d say, just have a basic theme of what you want to write about.  Then do a table of contents.  It helps if you have someone (which I did) to hold you accountable for writing “x” amount per day, per week etc.  Once that is done, just type till your fingers get numb 🙂


To order a copy of my Cancer Book, click here.

July 1

I wonder…..

I wonder if my life was interrupted by my cancer, or was this the intended path. As it was, I was born. I got a job in finance. I got married. I got divorced. I got a tumor. I had surgery. I got cancer. I wonder if there is something else I was meant to do with my life that I would not have done if I didn’t get cancer. I think so. I think in some way or fashion, I was meant to reach out to people in some kind of inspirational manner, like I hope I’m doing now through my various writings.



To join my Facebook Cancer Support group click here.

To purchase my Cancer Book, click here.

June 30th

I wonder…..

If what Dennis Leary said would upset people (with cancer and other illnesses) when he wrote, “Most people think life sucks, then you die. Not me, I beg to differ.  I think life sucks, then you get cancer, then your dog dies, your wife leaves you, the cancer goes into remission, you get a new dog, you get remarried, you owe ten million dollars in medical bills but you work hard for thirty five years and you pay it back and then – one day – you have a massive stroke, your whole right side is paralyzed, you have to limp along the streets and speak out of the left side of your mouth and drool but you go into rehabilitation and regain the power to walk and the power to talk and then – on day – you step off a at Sixty-seventh Street, and BANG you get hit by a city bus and then you die.  Maybe.”


To join my Facebook Cancer Support Group, click here.
To purchase my Cancer book, click here.